Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !


Tout comme son inspirateur, SdaGame permet également à chaque nation de se différencier par des pouvoirs spécifiques, impactant ses armées, ses héros et/ou son économie. A la différence de son prédécesseur, il s'agit d'une option de jeu et non d'un impératif. Dans les descriptifs de chaque nations du scénario Troisième age - 1650 sont ainsi explicités ces bonus dans le cas d'une partie avec “Bonus de nation : Rigoureux (6 bonus fixes)”, qui peut être considéré comme le mode par défaut.

En plus de ces bonus de nations, les héros peuvent aussi recevoir individuellement des bonus à leurs compétences de base et les CdP des bâtiments tirés aléatoirement en début de partie.


Armies without food only lose 1-2 morale points +

Armies gain 1-2 morale points when stationary +

Non moving armies gather food equiv to their size (w/o steed) +

Armies force marching only lose 1-2 morale points +

Armies may force march with no loss of morale points ++

Move 50% farther while stealthy +

New armies are hired at no cost ++

New armies start with a morale of 40 +

All new recruits start with a training rank of 20 +

Heavy cavalry recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Light cavalry recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Heavy infantry recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Light infantry recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Archers recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Mercenary recruits start with a training rank of 30 +

Heavy cavalry have strength +2 +

Light cavalry have strength +2 +

Heavy infantry have strength +2 +

Light infantry have strength +2 +

Archers have strength +2 +

Mercenary have strength +2 +

Heavy cavalry have const +2 +

Light cavalry have const +2 +

Heavy infantry have const +2 +

Light infantry have const +2 +

Archers have const +2 +

Mercenary have const +2 +

Ships never suffer storms or are lost at sea +


All Scout/Recon orders are doubled in skill level ++

All characters may Scout/Recon at a minimum skill rank of 50 or better +

All characters may Uncover Secrets at a minimum skill rank of 40 or better +

All Assassinate/Kidnap orders are +10 to skill rank ++

All Sabotage/Theft order are +10 to skill rank +

Heals twice faster +

War machines are 20% stronger +

Relations bonus is 5% higher ++

Mages progress in spell mastery twice faster +

Heroes have 10% less chance of being caught +

Heroes have 10% less chance of being killed +

Heroes have twice as chances of escaping +

Always succeeds changing relations level +

Training armies yield twice as much results for soldiers +

Influence orders yield twice as much results +

New heroes hired at 1/2 the cost ++


Receive a 10% gold adjustment to all buys and sells +

Receive a 20% gold adjustment to all buys and sells ++

Receives 5% more tax revenues +

Starts game with 50% more gold ++

Creating a new camp done at +20 skill +

Cities start with 10 more loyalty +

Cities accept 10% higher taxes without losing morale +

Town management orders done at +10% +

Cities consume 20% less food +

Cities offer 20% more food to armies +

Cities resist to 50% higher menace +

Fortifications are 10% stronger +

Creates 20% more armors and weapons +

Generates 10% more leather +

Digs 10% more bronze and steel +

Digs 10% more mithril +

Crops create 10% more food +

Gathers 10% more wood +

Gathers 10% more stone +

Create 10% more steed +

Digs 10% more gold +

Fortifications are built at 1/2 the cost +

War machines are built at 1/2 the cost +

Can build ships at half the cost +