Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Les masques permettent de générer automatiquement le rapport de tour en fonction de la réussite (ou de l'échec) des ordres. L'éditeur de masque permet d'augmenter les possibilités de ce retour d'informations pour les différents ordres. Des mots-clés sont nécessaires à la contextualisation :

Keywords Available keywords, to be enclosed with #…# :

player : nation of the player, from 1 to 25 player_as__nation_name : nation of the player

hero_nation : nation of the hero, from 1 to 25 hero_nation_name : nation of the hero hero_name : hero full name hero_allegiance : hero's allegiance number hero_allegiance_name : hero's allegiance full name hero_status : current hero status, in this list = general, hero, captain, leader, fellow, hostage, dismissed, dead previous_hero_status : last turn hero status hero_health : current health, up to 100, can be negative

target_nation : target nation target_hero : target hero full name target_town : target town full name

town_nation : nation of the town, from 1 to 25 town_nation_name : nation of the town town_name : current town full name town_allegiance : town's allegiance number town_allegiance_name : town's allegiance full name previous_town_name : last turn town full name town_loyalty : current town loyalty level previous_town_loyalty : last turn town loyalty level

pos_x : current position X from 1 to 44 pos_y : current position Y from 1 to 39 previous_pos_x : last turn position X from 1 to 44 previous_pos_y : last turn position Y from 1 to 39 hex_terrain : current hexagon terrain type from 1 to 9 previous_hex_terrain : last turn hexagon terrain type from 1 to 9

is_mine : returns yes, if reader is owner of hero/town, otherwise returns no is_allied : returns yes, if reader considers hero/town to be a friend, otherwise returns no is_enemy : returns yes, if reader considers hero/town to be an enemy, otherwise returns no is_hero_general : returns yes, if the hero generating the news is general of the army, otherwise returns no (meaning he would be a captain in the army) is_target_me : returns yes, if the action is targeted at the reader, otherwise returns no

army_general_name : returns the name of the hero leading the army fellowship_leader_name : returns the name of the hero leading the fellowship

parameters are numbered from parameter1 to parameter3 parameter1_value : returns the raw value of the parameter next are possibly useful translation of the parameters value parameter1_as_nation_name : returns the nation based on the parameter value parameter1_as_resource_name : returns the resource based on the parameter value parameter1_as_wagon_name : returns the wagon item based on the parameter value parameter1_as_relation : returns the relation level based on the parameter value parameter1_as_hero_bonus : returns the hero bonus based on the parameter value parameter1_as_nation_bonus : returns the nation bonus based on the parameter value

Lists Nation 1: Woodmen, 2: Northmen, 3: Eothraim, 4: Arthedain, 5: Cardolan, 6: North Gondor, 7: South Gondor, 8: Dwarves, 9: Sinda Elves, 10: Noldo Elves, 11: Witch King, 12: Dragon Lord, 13: Dog Lord, 14: Cloud Lord, 15: Blind Sorcerer, 16: Ice King, 17: Quiet Avenger, 18: Fire King, 19: Long Rider, 20: Dark Lieutenants, 21: Corsairs, 22: Dunlendings, 23: Haradwaith, 24: Rhudaur, 25: Easterlings,

Status general: Leading an army, hero: Hero alone, captain: Following an army, leader: Leading a fellowship, fellow: Following a fellowship, leech: Spying, hostage: Held hostage, dismissed: Has been dismissed,

Terrain 1: Plain, 2: Coast, 3: Forest, 4: Marsh, 5: Hill, 6: Mountain, 7: Desert, 8: Coastal sea, 9: Open sea,

Resource 1: Leather, 2: Bronze, 3: Steel, 4: Mithril, 5: Food, 6: Timber, 7: Stone, 8: Mounts, 9: Gold,

Wagon 1: none, 2: bronze weapons, 3: steel weapons, 4: mithril weapons, 5: leather armors, 6: bronze armors, 7: steel armors, 8: mithril armors, 9: food rations, 10: war machines,